Madison Lintz, an American child actress and popular TV actor who gained fame for her part in The Walking Dead's horror drama series The Walking Dead. Her portrayal of the character Sophia Peletier in the highly well-loved show has was what made Madison a well-known child actress in the decade of 2010. Her performance earned her an award nomination to the Young Artist Award under the category of Best Performance by the character in a TV Series, Supporting Young Actress. The actress' mother introduced Madison to showbiz at an early age. As young as six years old, her mother first introduced the art of acting to her. In the midst of being on the stage her career quickly grew into a talented actor. Commercials were where she first began her acting career. When her first work caught the attention of American viewers was an advertisement for Golden Corral. She was in 2011 playing her role as Sophia on the TV show The Walking Dead. After the success she got more offers to act and started playing in movies like Parental guidance and After.
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